Tuesday, June 27, 2006

AC Units Stolen From Church

Theft won't discourage Frisco church
04:55 PM CDT on Tuesday, August 16, 2005

FRISCO - It was a heavy-duty crime, committed against a humble house of worship.
Lebanon Baptist Church pastor Ray Wilkins has a congregation of about 70, many of whom are helping finish a brand-new church building.
The Frisco church has a soaring sanctuary, a seven-acre lot - and four empty concrete pads where new air conditioning units sat only days ago. The units were stolen sometime over the weekend.
"Yesterday was pretty emotional, but this church is more than its people," Wilkins said. "This church belongs to God, and he's gonna take care of it."
The AC units had been permanently attached months ago, at about $4,000 each.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Construction Site Theft

Crime ring linked to construction site thefts in southwestern US - By ALEX VEIGA, AP Business WriterTuesday, August 23, 2005
(08-23) 00:01 PDT Los Angeles (AP) --

California's home-building boom is helping fuel a boom of another kind — the dealing in stolen construction equipment — according to authorities who recently uncovered a crime ring they say trafficked in everything from small hand tools to heavy equipment.

For complete story see - http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2005/08/22/financial/f171958D03.DTL

Friday, June 16, 2006


1. Nearly $6,000 worth of copper wire was taken over the weekend from a Tiny Town Road school construction site.
By HEATHER DONAHOE The Leaf-Chronicle June 14, 2006