Monday, August 28, 2006

Construction Site Theft in Colorado

Construction company owners have got to protect themselves from thieves. In the end, these thefts trickle down to us as the cost gets rolled in to make up the losses.

Sometime between the night John Carey left the Gypsum Costco construction site Aug. 8 and returned early the following morning, thieves stole and damaged $500,000 in equipment and concrete. The construction theft - some say the biggest in Eagle County history - surprised Carey, site superintendent for Robinson Construction Co. "It's the biggest one I've seen in 32 years," Carey said. "There's been a couple through the years - nothing like this. It took quite a few people to do what they did in that amount of time." Thieves stole over 100 pieces of equipment - including hand tools, power tools, generators, welders and a band saw - from the construction site.

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