By: Shane Franklin
You’ve invested your time and money in starting a business. So, why wouldn’t you want to make sure it’s protected? In some cities there are 20 or more burglaries a day. Even if your business is in a smaller city and there is only 1 per day, why would you want to chance being a victim? You say, but I have insurance. Well, with insurance there is still a lot of pain and suffering involved if you’re business is burglarized. If you’re lucky maybe you’ll only lose a day of productivity. You’ve got to file the insurance claims, go and replace the lost equipment (hopefully you‘ve got the money until your claim is paid), if it was your computers, load new software, etc., etc. There are, however, many things you can do to protect this from happening to your business. You should make sure all entries are secured well, make sure there are not obstructions to give burglars a place to hide or be unseen while getting in, make sure the area is well lit so there is a good chance of them being seen, put on burglar bars, put in an alarm system or a CCTV system, get a guard dog or even sleep there overnight. One of the best ways, however, is with a new CCTV System that is actually a security system as well. There are new CCTV Digital Video Recorders that not only record the crime for prosecution, but also actually call you during the burglary. You can then pull up the system via the Internet, verify that there is a crime in action and that it wasn’t just an animal or some other false alarm. The biggest problem with a standard security system is false alarms. With these new types of systems the alarm can be verified and the authorities can be notified and they will arrive much faster than with an unverified alarm system. If you don’t want to have to be woken in the middle of the night, you can hire a monitoring company to verify the alarm or you can have your employees take turns being on call to verify the alarm. If you take these steps, then you can feel comfortable that your business is safe.
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CCTV system,
Burglar Alarms